How to Install Webmin on CentOS

#  cd /usr/local/

#  wget

(for latest version check )


Untar webmin file.

tar zxvf webmin-1.510.tar.gz


or if your system not support this command then try this command for untar webmin file.

# gunzip webmin-1.510.tar.gz
# tar xvf


Now go to webmin directory type

# cd /usr/local/webmin-1.510

#  ./


After installation complete then brows https://ipaddress:10000

or without http(s)  http://ipaddress:10000 Recommended



ipaddress – replace with your server ip address.


How to restart webmin?

#  /etc/init.d/webmin restart


How to stop webmin?

/etc/init.d/webmin stop


How to start webmin?

#  /etc/init.d/webmin start


if you’re our VPS/Dedicated server client then submint a ticket and we will install this for you.

How to Install Webmin on CentOS
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