Money Back Guarantee & Refund Policy

If a request is submitted for an immediate cancellation within the first 30 days, a full refund will be issued. Applies to all web hosting packages excluding domain names.

Refunds on a prepaid account after 30 days: If the client has pre-paid us for web hosting services, refunds will be issued for any unused full month of such services, upon the client’s request. Therefore, if the client’s account is cancelled at any point during the one, two or three year term, the client will be entitled to a refund for the months remaining, after notice given by the 28th day of the current month. Notice given after the 28th day will count as the following month.

Refunds are not applicable to the services bought through Special Discounts Offers.

We DO NOT refund partial monthly fees to accounts. Domain registrations, domain addons, setup fees and migration fees are not refundable.

For FREE domain registrations the retail price of the domain will be deducted from the refund amount upon cancellation if applicable. Alternatively, if the refund amount is less than the retail price of the domain, you will be invoiced for the difference. Once the invoice has been settled, only then will you retain ownership of the domain.

Money Back Guarantee & Refund Policy
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